With crochet, the possibilities are endless. Majority of fabric that can be rolled and strung can be turned into a crocheted item. Case in point, this crochet T-shirt rag rug.
It should also interest you to know that “Throughout the ages, a variety of materials have been used: hair, grasses, reeds, animal fur and sinew, hemp, flax, wool, gold and silver and copper strands, silk, white cotton thread, wool yarns (soft zephyr yam, lustre yarn, double cable yarn, carpet yarn), cotton yarn (anchor and estramadura), silk thread (cordonnet and floss), linen thread, hemp thread, mohair, chenille, novelty mixtures, metal thread and string…”. From www.crochet.org. WOW! Talk about creative awesomeness.
I’d had these old t-shirts in the closet for the longest time, just piling them to throw away and it occurred to me it could be turned to something functional.
Laid in the bathroom, at the door entrance, as a play mat, wherever and whatever you please, you’ll love turning your old t-shirts into rugs. Another good thing about this t-shirt rag rug is you can throw it into the washing machine when needed. I used a Tulip puffy paint as a non slip, and it says it doesn’t wash off and also because I had read somewhere that it could be used as a non-slip. It does hold, but will have to use 2 tubes of the one in the photo (it’s a small size of 1.25 fl oz). So if you’re considering what non-slip to use that’s also washable, you might try it.
Tutorials abound on how to cut t-shirts into yarn. Find here a quick tutorial on how to do that. Each strip is approximately 1.5 inches wide, but of course because it is done by hand, it’s not all perfect.
Without further ado, cut up those t-shirts and make your home, store, office a t-shirt rag rug. I can’t wait to see how colourful yours will turn out.
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Finished Size: 26 inches at the widest part/ 14.5 inches tall
You’ll need:
– 4 large size t-shirts and 1 medium size Maxi Length skirt (made with similar t-shirt material. Of course you could use more t-shirts instead)
– 10mm hook
– Scissors
Stitches /Abbreviation:
SC- single crochet
HDC-half double crochet
DC- double crochet
ST- stitch
Crossed DC 1- skip 2 stitches, DC in 3rd, Ch 1, DC in 1st skipped stitch
Crossed DC 2- skip 1 stitch, DC in next, DC in 1st skipped stitch
– Pattern is written in U.S terms
– Ch 1 at the beginning of round does not count as a stitch
– join colours at your discretion
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DIY Crochet T-shirt Rag Rug
Form Magic Circle
Row 1: Ch 2, SC, [Ch 1, SC] twice in ring. Ch 1, turn – 6
Row 2: *DC, SC in first st, DC, SC in ch 1 space, repeat from *across. Ch 1, turn – 12
Row 3: *DC in 1st stitch, 2HDC in next, repeat from * across. Ch 1, turn – 18
Row 4: DC in 3, [Ch 1, DC in 2] twice, Ch 1, DC in 4, repeat [ ]. End with Ch 1, DC in last 3. Ch 1, turn – 24
Row 5: DC in 3, [Ch 1, DC in 4] 5 times, Ch 1, DC in last stitch. Ch 1, turn- 30
Row 6: DC in 2, 2DC in next, *DC in 4, 2DC in next, repeat from * across. End with DC in last 2. Ch 1, turn- 36
Row 7: DC in 1st st *(Ch 1, skp next st, DC in next) twice, Ch 1, DC in next 2 sts, repeat from * across. End with Ch 1, DC in last st. Ch 2, turn- 42
Row 8: [Ch 2 stands as a stitch] *DC in Ch 1 space, 2DC each in next 2 Ch 1 spaces, Ch 1, DC in next, Ch 1, repeat from * across. After the last 2DC in Ch 1 space, do not chain 1, end with DC in last st. Ch 1, turn- 48
Row 9: 2DC in 1st st, [skip 2 sts, DC in 3rd, Ch 1, DC in 1st skipped st- crossed DC 1] twice. *2DC in next st, crossed DC 1 twice, repeat from * across. End with DC in last st. ch 1, turn- 54
Row 10: *DC in 8, Ch 1, repeat from * across. End with DC in 6. Ch 1, turn- 60
Row 11: DC in 5, Ch 1, skp next st, 2DC in Ch 1 space, Ch 1, skp net st. *DC in 5, Ch 1, skp next st, 2DC in Ch 1 space, Ch 1, skp next st, repeat from * across. End with DC in 7. Ch 1, turn- 66
Row 12: DC in 1st st, *Ch 1, skp 2 sts, DC in next 2, [Ch 1, DC, Ch 1, DC] in Ch 1 space, repeat [ ] in next Ch 1 space, repeat from *across. End with Ch 1, skp 1, DC in next 2, Ch 1, skp 1, DC in last st. Ch 1 , turn – 72
Row 13: DC in 1st st, *2DC each in net 2 Ch 1 spaces, Ch 1, DC in Ch 1 space, Ch 1, 2DC in Ch 1 space, Ch 1, DC in Ch 1 space, Ch 1, repeat from * across. After the last 2DC in Ch 1 space, do not Ch 1, DC in last st. Ch 1, turn- 78
Row 14: *Skp 1st st, DC in next, DC in 1st skipped stich- Crossed DC 2, repeat from * around.
Break yarn,. You really won’t need to weave in ends, so tie all ends, snip where needed
Join t-shirt
SC evenly across till the ‘eye’ of the magic ring, make 5DC in ring, SC evenly across
Don’t forget to share your version with me. Use the #loopinglym on Instagram or tag loopinglymade on Facebook. Can’t wait to see.
HI Rose, This is a great project – the only half circle t-shirt rag rug that I have seen. Do you have any suggestions on how to make a Christmas tree skirt? I am new to fabric arts, so I don’t know if I should make two of these half circle rugs and try to sew them together half way across so it is a full circle with a split. What are your thoughts?
I would suggest following a full pattern for a Christmas tress skirt; less hassle. Check this one https://bit.ly/2KU5IVl