I definitely need me a new On-The-Go Crochet Case for my hooks; which has already doubled as pencils and crayons case for our boys (they loved it as soon as they saw the finished piece and requested for theirs).
Please follow the updated/rewritten pattern HERE

This crochet case has been on my to-do list for so long that I thought I’d never get around to making it. Since I decided that this year I’d use up as much left over yarn as I can, these cases were a timely idea.
Did you also see the Coasters I recently made? They were made from left over yarn as well. Gosh, there are so many left overs I did not realise I had until I organised my space. And I aim to use every single one of them.

This case is made with basic single and double crochet stitches, made in one piece with a zipper closing it. If you find sewing zippers challenging (I do), I can only encourage you to take your time. Do not rush this.
This is the second time I have sewn a zipper on a crocheted item. The first time was on the Purple Fringe Boho purse, though it was not perfect I used that experience to do a better job on the On-The-Go Crochet Case.
Love it!! Thank you so much for sharing!!
I’m happy to share. Thank you.
I made a crochet crochet case a few years ago but it wasn’t a tightly made as yours and I had to line it. This is fantastic. I will make myself one. So glad I found you via the moogly link party.
I’m glad you found it. I did think of lining this one as well, and still may do it. Thank oyou for stopping by and sharing your thoughts.